Vocabulary A. What do the adjectives in bold mean? Match them with the definitions a-g. 1. My brother never follows other people's advice. He's very stubborn. 2. Don't be so negative. I'm sure you'll do great! 3. Madina is really intelligent. Whenever the teacher asks a question, she is the first to answer. 4. Rustem's mother always asks us to stay for dinner at their house. She's so generous. O 5. I know Judy said she'll make all the decorations, but will she really? She's very unreliable. O 6. Even when Jeremy is ill, he remains cheerful. 7. Our teacher is quite strict. If we're late, he doesn't allow us to enter the classroom. O a. clever; good at thinking and learning b. cannot be trusted when needed for help or support c. willing to give your time, money or energy to others freely d. not changing your mind easily e. making sure that rules, especially about behaviour, are followed f. without hope: only seeing the bad things g.happy and hopeful
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Vocabulary A What do the adjectives in bold mean Match them with the definitions ag 1 My brother never follows other peoples advice Hes very stubborn 2 Dont be class=

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