пожалуйста заполните все слова

1 * Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
● remote ,snow-capped, unspoilt ,thick, extreme, thrill ,scenery ,mountain,
,tall, extinct
1 We enjoy exploring the wilderness, where other tourists don't go.
2 I took some great pictures of the ..... in New Zealand. It was beautiful!
3 Tokatoka is a(n) ........... volcano, so it doesn't erupt.
4 The Himalayas is a(n) range that includes Mount Everest.
5 Shelley and Laura are ................. seekers - they love going to exciting new places. sports,
6 Daniel enjoys ....... especially white-water rafting.
7 Even in summer, it's cold in the north, so you can see mountains all around you.
8 Angel Falls is a(n) .... in Venezuela that is 979 metres high! waterfall
9 Mike is staying in a(n) ............ region of Tibet and he hasn't got Internet access. 10 It's dark under the trees in the ..... forest, even in the daytime.​

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