Entry test Use of English. Choose the correct variant 1. Flat land which has very few trees. a)habitat b)plain c)shelter 2. To do work which keeps the house clean and organized. b)work c)do chores a)exercise 3. Kanat is really good... ice hockey. alat b)in c)with 4. The BBC has been around a long time, it was... many years ago. c)recommended a)founded b)produced 5.I think it's cold enough outside, so the ice skating... might be open. c)rink a)court b)ring 6.Anel is very ...., she always wants to win. a)competitive Grade 9 b)countless 7.To send money to look after a particular animal a)adopt b)survive c)protect 8.Alina has already booked the .... We're staying in a hotel. b)accommodation c)landmark a)departures c)record-breaking a)spends 13. They.... abroad last summer. 9. A: Do you like my freshly baked apple pie? B: Actually, the pastry's a bit ..., it needed more time in the oven. a)boiled b)raw c)still 10. Adam is a student but works... time in a DVD shop. a)long b) shift c)part 11. Don't forget..... the vegetables this afternoon. a)plant b)planting c)to plant 12. Damir... this weekend at his friend's house. b)is spending c)spend a)weren't travelling b)didn't travel 14. I'm hungry. I.... myself a nice healthy salad. c)wasn't travelling c) We needn't have come so early. 18. Would you like... milk in your coffee? a) some b) a few c) little 19. I'm thinking of taking ... a sport. a) 'll make b)am going to make 15. It was so dark that I couldn't see... beneath the water. c) 'm making a)something b) nothing c) anything 16. Yellowstone National Park... by millions of tourists every year. a) visited b) is visited c) is being visited 17. You arrive really early to your flight. What do your parents say? a) We couldn't have come so early. b) We mustn't have come so early.​

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