II. Build sentences with the following words. (Yтворİть речення, використовуючи подані слова)

Example 1:make-Lisa^ prime shobby - (to) * be - cakes Making cakes is Lisa's hobby. Example 2: (to) love - food - (to) eat - Roumaisa Roumaisa loved eating food.

1) (to) * like - Mina - (to) * fly - toCanada

2) (to) go to the cinema - Luke's favourite activity - (to) be

3 ) (to) * take - ataxi - expensive - (to) * be

4 underline ) Ronja - notimagine - (to) * live - farfromhom*epsilon

5 int Germany - (to) * visit -Ute^ prime s dream-(to)b

6 ) cakes - (to) * bake - (to) * be - fun - forLisa

7) Ilana - not miss - during the summer holidays - (to) learn

3) (to) * hate - Rosalind - (to) * becalled - after - herrealname

9) (to) travel (to) make - Lucas and Tim - tired - around the world

10) thetuition - (to) * continue - notbe - possilble - forthefamily

11) Zayn - (to) * learn - (to) * begin - forthetest

12) (to) * anticipate - theconsequences - (to) * make - crazy - theteacher

13) (to) * cheat - (to) * admit - Tom - in - test - the

14) Hannah - (to) * talk - (to) * avoid - to - herparents

15) people's generosity (to) appreciate (to) be- important

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