We play basketball twice a week. допать предл npab. goofd. sorona форм глагола 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verbs from the boxes. ask get up ✔ go play speak ▸ Peter always ...gets.up.............. late on Sundays. 1 Ann and John sometimes 2 My mother often .... 3 Small children 4 Sarah ..... 5 I......... say sit mmaral try 6 Andy always 7 That child never ... 8 He..... 9 She ...... 10 My father. It rains all the time here. make ..... French at home. ....... questions all the time. to Oxford to see her mother twice a week. more mistakes in English when I'm tired. wash ...... tennis at weekends. watch .... his clothes on Saturdays. ..... 'Thank you.' ..... in the same chair every evening. to go skiing every year. TV most evenings. 2 GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: seven useful things Coly me. nara U​

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