1. Fred and I…..(not to spend) a lot of time on the beach last July. We … (to be) in Oslo. 2. Don … (not to like) to lie in the sun on the beach. He …(to prefer) to go hiking. 3. Mary … ( not to go) to the seaside next summer. She …. (to take) her school exams. 4. My friends … (not to bath) in the sea now. They ……(to play) volleyball. 5. My parents ….(already to be) to Spain, but they …..(never to be) to France. 6. They always …. (not to stay) at a big hotel near a beautiful cathedral, they …...(to stay) at our relatives. They ……(not to spend) much money on accommodation last year. 7. We ….(not to go) hiking last week. It ….(to be) a cold and rainy weather. We …. (to decide) to go to the café where we …..(to buy) the most tastiest cakes I …..(ever to eat). 8. When we go to Egypt we ….. (always to go) swimming and scuba diving. 9. The child … (to play) on a yellow sand on the beach now. His mother ….(to take) photo of him. 10. My father… (to buy) a new boat and we …. (to go) fishing next Sunday.

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