Read the text and write a word from the box in each gap. You will only use seven of the words alarm    home       school     blog    painting    times    countires   photo   watch  diary    read    weak 1. This is Lizzie's ___________ entry for 13th October 2. There's a ______________ of Lizzie at the top 3. The blog is about a normal day during the ______ 4. Lizzie spends most of the morning and afternoon at __________ 5. She usually spends the evening at________ 6. The comments are from kids who _______ What Lizzie writes 7. They all live in different________

Ответ :


1. This is Lizzie's blog entry for 13th October 2. There's a photo of Lizzie at the top 3. The blog is about a normal day during the times 4. Lizzie spends most of the morning and afternoon at school 5. She usually spends the evening at home 6. The comments are from kids who read What Lizzie writes 7. They all live in different countries.


Не очень нравится times но другого варианта нет.