The English language.........
Answer the questions
1.What language is the international language nowadays?
2. What aspect of English as global language does the speakers mainly discuss?
3. How many people in the world use English as the first or second language?
4. Which countries are mentioned in the video?
5. How English became the global language?
6. What can you say about "CHINGLISH", "SPANGLISH", "ITALIANISH"?

The English language Answer the questions 1What language is the international language nowadays 2 What aspect of English as global language does the speakers ma class=

Ответ :

1.English is the world language

To date, English has become an international language, it is the most widely spoken in the world. For more than 400 million people, it is their native language, for 300 million it remains a second language, and another 500 million speak English to some extent.

3.Of the 7.8 billion people on the planet, 1.35 billion speak English, but still most of them cannot be attributed to native speakers. For about 375 million people, English is the first or native language. Most of the English-speaking citizens are in the United States. In international business, English is used as the official language.

5.Firstly, because the languages of the conquered countries lacked the right words: there were no terms for trade. Secondly, because English has already taken root in this area and the locals knew it well. Those who wanted to earn their bread had to communicate in English.

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