phe (')
6 Choose the correct words.
1 That's my desk. Your pen is on you/it.
2 Joe and I are here. Tom isn't with us them.
3 Ruslan is with Irina. Anna is with her / us too.
That's Peter. The teacher is with them / him.
5 I am here. Amy is with them /me.
6 The students are in class. I am not with
7 You and Talgat are in class 1B. Joe is with

Ответ :


1 That's my desk. Your pen is on it.
2 Joe and I are here. Tom isn't with us.
3 Ruslan is with Irina. Anna is with her too.
4. That's Peter. The teacher is with him.
5 I am here. Amy is with me.
6 The students are in class. I am not with them.
1. desk=it (it - дополнение)
2. Joe and I=we (us - дополнение)
3. Irina=she (her- дополнение)
4. Peter=he (him - дополнение)
5. I - me -дополнение
6. The students = they ( them - дополнение)
1 Это мой стол. На нем твоя ручка.
2 Джо и я здесь. Тома с нами нет.
3 Руслан с Ириной. Анна тоже с ней.
4. Это Питер. С ним учитель.
5 Я здесь. Эми со мной.
6 Ученики находятся в классе. Я не с ними. #SPJ1

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