Помогите с английским
4 GRAMMAR present perfect simple a Right ( ✔ ) or wrong ( X ) ? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted sentences . 1 Have you heard tomorrow's weather forecast ? 2 The reporter haven't switched on her microphone . X hasn't switched on 3 The documentary has finished just . 4 They've had the same TV set since 20 years . 5 I've already seen this film . 6 Have you ever be on TV ? 7 I haven't watched that programme since they changed the presenter . 8 We know each other for ages . 9 I haven't never liked watching live sport . 10 Has the news started yet ? □

Помогите с английским 4 GRAMMAR present perfect simple a Right or wrong X Correct the mistakes in the highlighted sentences 1 Have you heard tomorrows weather f class=

Ответ :


3. The documentary has just finished.

Поменять местами just и finished.

4. They've had the same TV set for 20 years.

Since используется с опредёленной даты.

5. I already saw that film.

Прошлое неопределённое время - мы не знаем когда он посмотрел фильм, и это знание нам не нужно для контекста. Используем Past Simple.

6. Have you ever been on TV?

Глагол be должен быть использован в третьей форме.

7. I haven't watched that program since they've changed the presenter.

Вроде всё правильно.

8. We've known each other for ages.

Present Perfect т.к. они знали друг друга давно и всё ещё продолжают знать, действие продолжается по сей день.

9. I have never liked watching live sports.

Ошибка в том что изначально написано haven't never, что буквально значит have not never.

10. Have the news started yet?

News - множественное число, мы не можем использовать has.

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