Correcting mistakes Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 I'm coming from Portugal. 2 Where do she come from? 3 I have 27 years. 4 When you go bed last night? 5 What do you do last night? 6 Carlos spend too much money on designer clothes. 7 I studied for two years at school English. 8 'Who's bag is this?' 'It's mine.' 9 'Where you go on holiday this year?' 'T'll go to Miami in August.' 10 He have long blond hairs and blue eyes помогите пожалуйста

Ответ :


1. I'm from Portugal
2. Where does she come from?

3. I am 27 years old.
4. When did you go to bed last night?
5. What did you do last night?
6. Carlos spends too much money on designer clothes.
7. I have studied at English school for two years.
8. 'Who's bag is this?' 'It's mine.
9. 'Where will you go on holiday this year?' 'T'll go to Miami in August.'
10.  He has long blond hairs and blue eyes.

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