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1. The year has four seasons. 2. Thank you very much; I won't forget your kindness. 3. We occasionally go to the seaside in summer. 4. Peter drove straight on for ten minutes and then turned off the road. 5. Dinner will be ready when mother comes back from work​

Ответ :

1. The year has four seasons. The year hasn’t four seasons. Does year have four seasons?
2. I won’t forget your kindness. I will forget your seasons. Will you forget your kindness.
3. We occasionally go to the seaside in summer. We occasionally don’t go to the seaside in summer.
4. Peter drove straight on for ten minutes and then turned off the road. Peter didn’t drive straight on for ten minutes and then turned off the road. Did Peter drive straight on for ten minutes and then turned off the road?
5.Dinner will be ready when mother comes back from work. Dinner won’t be ready when mother comes back from work. Will dinner be ready when mother comes back from work?


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