1 What data is on the x-axis?
What data is on the y-axis?
Which month shows the peak for buying computer games?
When is the biggest rise in buying computer games?
5 When is the biggest fall in buying computer games?

Ответ :


1) The x-axis typically represents the independent variable, which could be time, categories, or other factors depending on the context of the graph.

2) The y-axis usually represents the dependent variable, indicating the measured values or outcomes corresponding to the respective values on the x-axis.

3) To determine the month showing the peak for buying computer games, you would need to examine the graph or data associated with the x-axis (such as months) and identify the highest point on the y-axis (indicating the peak).

4) To find when the biggest rise in buying computer games occurs, look for the steepest incline or the highest positive change in values on the graph.

5) To identify when the biggest fall in buying computer games happens, look for the steepest decline or the lowest negative change in values on the graph.

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