Exercise 3. Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. Put them in correct form. Use the words in the box.

look around | go away | take off | get away | check in | check out | get back | set off

1. After we've ________ to our hotel, I want to rest and then have some lunch.

2. We didn't _______ this summer. We stayed at home for our holidays.

3. I always feel nervous when the plane is ________.

4. We have to _______ bags. of the hotel early - at 9 o'clock-but we can leave our

5. Our plane is at 2 pm, so we need to __________ for the airport at around 11 am.

6. I went to Madrid for a short business trip, but I didn't have time to ___________ the city

7. It's nice to ___________ on holiday once a year and see a new place.

B. Our train was delayed, so we didn't _________ until late at night.

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