ответ дан

7 класс. Помогите сделать пж 20 баллов

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Настоящее простое или Настоящее продолженное время.
I (get up) at 7 o`clock every day. She (study) in her bedroom now.
He usually (walk) to school. Anna (prepare) for her final exams this week.
They (live) in Moscow. We (stay) at a camp today.
I (travel) to London on Sunday. The train (leave) at 9 am.

Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени.
Short, big, wide, happy, beautiful, good, bad, much/many.
Например, little – less (than) – the least

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Прошедшее простое или Прошедшее продолженное время.
He often (study) till very late at night when he (be) a student.
She (iron) at 6 o`clock yesterday afternoon.
John (move) to England from Australia in 1984.
I (sleep) when Alison called.
Mozart (compose) a number of symphonies and concerts.
Mum (cook) while I (do) my homework.

Заполните пропуски, используя a/an, some/any/no.
There isn`t … dog. Is there … hamster? I want … lemons and … cheese.
Are there … strawberries in the fridge? There isn`t … tea.
Would you like … lemonade?

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Настоящее совершённое или Прошедшее совершённое время.
He (work) as a doctor for five years. She (lose) a lot of weight.
Mike (buy) a new car. Linda just (clean) her room.
I never (try) bungee jumping. They (have) dinner by the time I arrived.
We (plant) all the trees by 6 o`clock. She couldn`t get into the house because she (lose) her keys. He was tired because he (walk) a long way.

Допишите разделительные вопросы в конце высказывания.
Amanda is an artist, … ? You can speak Spanish, … ? It is cold today, … ?
They aren`t sleeping, …? Lynn works as a teacher, …? You lost your luggage, …?
You`ll wash your face, …? They didn`t go to the party, …?

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