Даю 50 баллов. Если будет меньше то значит знания их подрезали:))))))))))))
9 What were Lauren and her family doing last Sunday afternoon? Look at the pictures and use the prompts to ask and answer questions.
1 Lauren/talk/on the phone? ………… 2 Lauren’s brother/read/a book? (play/guitar) …………………….…………… …. 3 Lauren’s sister/watch/TV? (ride/bike) …………………………….…………… …. …………………………….…………… …. 4 Lauren’s parents/cook/dinner? (garden) …………………………….…………… 5 Lauren’s grandparents/shop? ……………………
10 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
It was a cold day in October. A strong wind 1) …………….………. (blow) and rain 2) …………….………. (fall)
heavily. It was It was 3 o'clock and I 3) …………….………. (wait) for my mum to pick me up from school. After a few
minutes, I saw my mum's car down the street. She 4) …………….………. (drive) down the street when suddenly
a tree 5) …………….………. (fall) on the road in front of her car! She 6) …………….………. (stop) very quickly
and the car behind her 7) …………….………. (crash) into her car. I 8) …………….………. (run) to her car and
9) …………….………. (open) the door. Luckily, my mum wasn't hurt. The man in the other car was also okay. I
10) …………….………. (feel) so relieved!

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