2. Complete with don't or doesn't.
Закончите предложения, используя don't или doesn't
1) I __________ like semolina porridge. It is terrible.
2) She __________ have a big family. She is an only child in her family.
3) They __________ speak any foreign languages. They speak only Russian. 4) Students __________ like Saturdays because they have to study at this weekend.
5) You __________ listen to classic music because you think that it is out of date.
6) He __________ drink coffee in the mornings. He finds it unhealthy.
7) Girls __________ like watching football. They prefer other games.
8) She __________ live in Moscow. She lives in Ivanovo
9) Our fellow-students __________ do their English homework because they are lazy.
10) I __________ have an expensive Swiss watch. I have a cheap one.

Ответ :

1 don't like

2 doesn't have

3 don't speak

4 don't like

5 don't listen

6 doesn't drink

7 don't like

8 doesn't live

9 don't do

10 don't have

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