ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
помогите открыть скобки в правильном времени ,(за опечатки простите)!!!!!!!  Long, long ago there (live) a lot of mice in an old house.There (live)a cat in that house too.The mice(be)afraid of the cat but they (not know)what to do.So one day they all (come) to an old clever mouse,(begin)(talk)about the cat." What(can)we do? "they (say).  " the cat(kill)us all."  Suddenly one little mouse (say),"Let`s put a bell round the  cat`s neck we (hear)it"They(be)all very glad and they  (begin)to dans .Suddenly the clever old mouse (say),"I(want)to ask one question. Who (put)the bell round the cat`s neck?"       

Ответ :

Long, long ago there (lived) a lot of mice in an old house.There (lived) a cat in that house too. The mice (were) afraid of the cat but they (didn't know) what to do. So one day they all (came) to an old clever mouse, (began) (to talk) about the cat." What (can) we do? " they (said).  "The cat (will kill) us all." Suddenly one little mouse (said), "Let`s put a bell round the cat`s neck we (will hear) it" They (were) all very glad and they (began) to dance. Suddenly the clever old mouse (said), "I (want) to ask one question. Who (will put) the bell round the cat`s neck?"