Дуже треба.Допоможіть.
Complete the correct form of the verb:

1. Listen to the thunder! There ____(be) a storm.

2. He called you earlier. He ___ (spend) the night at a hotel.

3. You _____(see) Jon later, so can you tell

him Sarah phoned?

4. Savish doesn't look well. I _____ (come) round later and check on him.

5. We _ (have) some people round for

drinks on Saturday. Can you come?

6. She'll be able to use the car on Thursday because the

garage _____ (fix) it by then.

7. The film __ (start) in five minutes.

Hurry up!

8. There's nothing for dinner. __ (eat) out tonight?

9. He __ (catch) several serious illnesses since going


10.I ____ (always think) of myself as a traveller rather than a tourist.

Ответ :


Complete the correct form of the verb:

1. Listen to the thunder! There is going to be a storm.

2. He called you earlier. He is spending the night at a hotel.

3. You are seeing Jon later, so can you tell him Sarah phoned?

4. Savish doesn't look well. I will come round later and check on him.

5. We are having some people round for drinks on Saturday. Can you come?

6. She'll be able to use the car on Thursday because the garage will have fixed it by then.

7. The film starts in five minutes. Hurry up!

8. There's nothing for dinner. Shall we eat out tonight?

9. He has caught several serious illnesses since going abroad.

10. I have always thought of myself as a traveller rather than a tourist.


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