2.- Complete the sentences with: so / such / such a / such an / so much / so many 1. Jessica is brilliant woman that everyone admires her. 2. They made unforgivable mistake that it caused them their marriage. 3. She is 4. The teacher was 5. Those shoes are 6. I have 7. They were 8. I'm glad you all had 9. It was shy that she would only talk to her parents. tired that she had to dismiss the Class. expensive that I can never afford them. great memories with her that I will never forget her. Close to winning that everyone felt disappointed with the loss good time at the picnic. lovely day that they decided to go swimming. heavy rain that he could hardly see the road. people at the beach. 10. He ran into 11. They had never seen 12. The contestants didn't think they would have to face 13. Wow! You are 14. It was intelligent! hot that we had to open all the windows. difficulty. Срочно!!!! помогите ​

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