Worksheet: Gerunds & Infinitives 1. When you finish 2. He is ashamed...... 3. I'm very sorry for. 4. We don't want anybody 5. He was accused of 6. Imagine 7. I advise you 8. Tom regrets 9. She never admits 10. He refused 11. I'm looking forward to.... 12. It is stupid 13. The teacher didn't let us 14. I suggest 15. I dislike 16. I must remember 17. If you insist on 18. Did you admit 19. I delayed. 20. They seem 21. I forgot 22. I can't bear tills restaurant. 37. I can't help. 38. He advised me (do) your homework, call me. (tell) the truth. (live) with someone who never stops (start) (eat) too much. 39. I caught the boy 40. Try to avoid 41. It's great 42. Would you mind 43. After .(be) late; it was good of you. (know) we are here. (steal) the valuable vase. 25. Tom helped us 26. If you don't ask Ali 27. My only wish is 28. I watched her. 29. She warned her child 30. Do you intend 31. He was very sad..... 32. He was more interested in 33. I decided ..... 34. She's considering 35. He hates 36. Everybody enjoys (make) mistakes. (see) me again. 23. I'm sorry sir, I'm late, but I promise.... 24. I am not fond of (do) the homework. (skip) lessons. (go) out. (hold) another meeting next week. (study) history. (tell) Ali that his car needs. (eat) in the restaurant, you must agree. (break) the window? (go) to London. (study) English. (draw) the picture. (have) plenty of money. (do) my homework, so the teacher got angry with me. (see) you (cry). .....(come) early next time. (clean) the house, I will make you (learn) English. play) tennis yesterday. (look) for a flat at once. (buy) this old car? (go) on Saturday. (eat) baklava. 44. They managed 45. The children are excited about (eat) than anything else. .(not/ touch) the wire. (learn) that her grandfather died. (be) a member of T.E.D. Club... (study) harder. (eat) the apples. (clean). (make) him angry. ..(see) you again! (answer) the phone, and lets it..... (ring). (have) a good meal, but not many people can afford (read) this article, will you give up (talk). (pass) their exams. (wait) for me. (pay) the bill. (go) to the movies. (do) it. (write) your name and address on the back of the cheque? (smoke)? (have) a dinner at​

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