Bnpasa 1. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional . Maria is a girl from your country . She is studying English and shed like to visit an English - speaking country . If Maria ( goes ) abroad , she ( will go ) to England or America . She ( visit ) London if she ( go ) to England . If she ( stay ) in London , she ( spend ) much money . She ( not be able ) to stay for long if she ( spend ) all her money . If her holiday ( be ) very short , she ( not practice ) her English . It ( be ) a pity if she ( not try ) to speak English .

Bпpaвa 2. Make conditional sentences . 1. I'll buy a camera and take a lot of pictures if ... 2. I'll have a party if ... 3. Molly'll learn a lot of things if ... 4. I won't help you unless ... 5. If he comes in the afternoon we ... 6. If you live in a big city what ... ?

Bnpasa 3. Write answers to the questions . 1. What will you do if you jump into the river and see a crocodile there ? 2. What your mother do if you break her favourite vase ? 3. What will your father do if you don't do what he asks you to do ? 4. What will your friends do if you call them bad names ? 5. What will you do if you fail the exam ?

Срочно! Пожалуйста!

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