1 Write Past Simple of these irregular verbs. Be, begin, do, fly, forget, get up, go, have, say, see, sing, sit, spend, swim, take, tell. 2 a) Complete the story with some of the Past Simple verb forms from ex. 1a. You will have to use some verbs several times. an international summer camp in Poland to Poland with LOT air company. It to I (1)_ last summer. I (2) (3). great! The camp (4). Every day we (5) on July 3rd at seven o'clock and (6) very warm. the lake. The weather (7)_ lake (8) Then we usually (9). breakfast. We (10). so hungry after swimming! After that hiking, (12) time playing board we sometimes (11) sports or (14) games, (13) beautiful places in Poland. In the evenings we often (15). on a trip. I saw many by the camp fire and (16)_________ songs in different languages. Boys and girls from different countries (17) each other about their countries. I (18) h) Which 3 verbs from o wonderful and the water in the a lot of photos in the camp.​

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