he ļ 2 6 3 1 How much time do you spend doing these things each day? a Doing exercise. b Doing nothing. c Doing homework. Which of these activities do you enjoy most? a Going shopping. b Watching TV. c Doing sport. How do you spend your time on Saturdays? Choose the statement which is most true for you. a I usually stay at home with my family. b I get up late and then I watch TV. c I usually do sport. 4 How often do you ... a send text messages? b read a book? c go swimming? 5 When you get bored, what do you usually do? a I watch TV. c I go online. Do you ever make dinner for your family? a No, never. I hate cooking. b Yes, sometimes. c I sometimes make a meal, but only for me. b I have something to eat. 7 Which of these things do you dislike most? a Tidying my room. b Getting up early. c Doing nothing. 8 Which of these things is most important in your life? a Passing exams. b Earning money. c Having fun.​

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