3* **Read the email and put the verbs in the past simple or past continuous. Hi Laura, How are you? 1) Did you hear (you/hear) about the floods here in the UK? We 2). (have) a horrible experience last Saturday while we 3).......... (travel) to my cousin's (rain) heavily (start) our journey and (drive) through the (begin) to house in York. It 4).......... when we 5) .......... while we 6) countryside, the road 7) fill with water! Suddenly, our car 8) (stop). Dad 9)...... services, but while we 10)........... for help to arrive, the water 11) (rise) higher and higher! We 12)..... (climb) onto the roof of our car and soon a ...... (arrive) and safety. We were (not/get) hurt! (call) the emergency (wait) helicopter 13)....... 14)............. .......... (take) us to lucky that we 15).......... Annie​

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