Making conversal 3. a) Read the instructions and write the answers in the correct place in the chart below.. 3. Student A In the rectangle at the top on the left, write your first name and surname. Student B In the rectangle at the top on the left, write your first name and surname. Next to numbers 1 and 2, write two things you don't like doing in your free time, e.g. ironing, reading books, etc. In the square, write the number of people living in your household. In the square, write the year you started studying English. In the triangle, write the number of the house or flat where you live. Next to numbers 1 and 2, write two things you like doing at the weekends, e.g. reading, playing computer games, etc. In the triangle, write the size of your shoes. In the oval, write the name of the most interesting place you have ever visited. In the oval, write the name of the place where you spent your last holiday.


Making conversal 3 a Read the instructions and write the answers in the correct place in the chart below 3 Student A In the rectangle at the top on the left wri class=

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