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Choose the correct option (a-b) to complete the sentences.
1) My coffee _____ bitter. Pass me the sugar, please.
a) tastes b) is tasting
2) You look worried. What _______?
a) do you think b) are you thinking
3) I _____ my doctor today at twelve o’clock. I have regular checkups.
a) see b) am seeing
4) I don’t know her, but she _____ a nice girl.
a) seems b) is seeming
5) The girl standing next to your brother _____ very pretty.
a) looks b) is looking
6) I never wear a scarf, but today I _______ one because it’s unusually cold.
a) wear b) am wearing
7) He _____ the new book about Harry Potter.
a) enjoys b) is enjoying
8) Languages _____ very fast. Half of world’s languages will disappear by 2100.
a) disapper b) are disappering

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