Complete the dialogues with the correct present simple from of the verbs in brackets.
1 A:_____(you/go) to the gym every day?
B:No, I_______(not go)every day.
I _________(go)three times a week.
2. A:_______(Sam/ study) at your school?
B:No,he______(study) there.He
__________(study) at a private school.
3 A: Does your mother _______(teach) English?
B:Yes,she does.
She also______teach)French
and Spanish.She ______(be)very good at languages.
4 A:_______(your parents/work) in London?
B:No, they don’t. They both _______(work) in Oxford.
5. A:________(you/practise) much before you perform a new play?
B:Yes, we________(practise) for weeks before the first performance, and the director ___________(make( a lot of changes.

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