spinal column, hand, rib, forearm, cervical vertebrae, foot, chest, arm.
III. Найдите ниже перевод каждого английского слова:
to call, brain, eyeball, nose, cavity, to compose, to consist of, joint, on
each side, trunk, neck, breastbone, to separate.
составлять, глазное яблоко, разделять, мозг, шея, называть, туло-
вище, нос, грудина, полость, состоять из, с каждой стороны, сустав.
IV. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
I. The... is the largest and longest bone in the trunk. 2. The skeleton of
the head is called the.... 3. In the Anatomy class medical students study the
bones of the.... 4. In the... the bones of the extremities are longer than in
the child. 5. On each... of the chest there are seven... which are connected
with the...

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