2 BOOK ★ Use the verbs in bold in the infinitive or the -ing form to complete the pairs of sentences, as in the example. 1 a John will never forget planting his first tree. (plant) b Don't forget to plant the vegetables this afternoon. (plant) ...... for the conservation day earlier, but something came up. (leave) b If you want to be at the park by 8:00 am, that will mean .. the house at around 7:00. (leave) After clearing footpaths for 3 hours, Anne stopped........... ...... a break. (take) ..... things b You should stop 2 a Kate meant ...... so seriously all the time! (take) 4 a I remember..................... that man before, but I can't remember his name. (meet) b Remember.......... ........... us outside the homeless shelter at 8:00 pm. (meet) Rosa is trying ..................... air pollution by not driving to school. (reduce) b Why don't you try ...... the amount of rubbish you throw away? (reduce) 5 a 2 3 4 5 E​

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