поставить в правильном порядке 1.-you/ books/how /have/read/many? 2.-they/ seen/ many/good/films/have. 3.-Did/buy/flowers/ you/many/yesterday? 4.-some/oranges/there/arel on the table. 5.-any/ information/we/haven't got/yet. 6.-many/we/visited/churches/in Rome. - 7.-how /did/ you/ pay/much/for that watch? 8.-eggs/are/there/any/in the fridge? 9.-did/pizza/how much/Peter/eat? 10.-some/Diana/has got/birds /at home. 11.-hungry/he/was/ and/ate /meat/some​

Ответ :

1. How many books have you read?
2. They have seen many good films.
3. Did you buy many flowers yesterday?
5. We haven't got any information yet.
6.we visited many churches in Rome.
7. How much did you pay for that watch?
8. Are there any eggs in the fridge?
9. How much pizza did Peter eat?
10. Diana has got some birds at home.
11. he was hungry and ate some meat


  1. how many books have you read?
  2. they have seen many good films
  3. did you buy many flowers yesterday?
  4. there are some oranges on the table
  5. we haven't got any information yet
  6. we visited many churches in Rome
  7. how much did you pay for that watch?
  8. there are any eggs in the fridge?
  9. how much did pizza Peter eat?
  10. Diana has got some birds at home
  11. he was hungry and he ate some meat

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