1.Используйте правильный артикль а или an.
1. a banana; 2. ____ orange; 3. ____ plum; 4. ____ apricot; 5. ____ cherry; 6. ____ apple; 7. ____lemon; 8. ____ pear.
2. Впиши неопределенный артикль:
____ table, ____ apple, ____ pen, ____pencil, ____elephant, ____ girl, ____ boy, ____ orange, ____ cat, ____flat, ____umbrella, ____engineer, ____teacher, ____ iron, ____ car, ____ owl, ____ doctor, ____ room, ____ desk, ____ sofa, ____ window, ____ aunt, ____ uncle, ____ wolf, ____ evening, ____ tree, ____ flower, ____ eagle, ____ exercise, ____ chair, ____ plane.
3.Обведи верное указательное местоимение
This /These is a car.
That / Those are planes.
Those /That is a whale.
That / Those are sharks.
This / These is my guitar.
That / Those is an island.
4. Выбери правильное слово.
1. This __________ is easy.          a) questions b) homework
2. These ___________ are my neighbors.          a) women b) man
3. What are you doing ________ afternoon?        a) that b) this
4. Who's ________ speaking?      a) this b) it
5. These are my glasses and ________ are hers.      a) those b) that
6. We are going to the seaside __________ summer.      b) this a) that
7. __________ man over there is a famous politician.      b) These a) That
5. Напишите эти предложения во множественном числе.
Образец: This is a cat. These are cats.
That is a car ________________________________________________________________
This is a dog________________________________________________________________
That is a star _______________________________________________________________
This is his pencil_____________________________________________________________
That is his pen. ______________________________________________________________
This is a sheep. _____________________________________________________________
That is a child. ______________________________________________________________

Ответ :



  1. a
  2. an
  3. a
  4. an
  5. a
  6. an
  7. a
  8. a


a table,an apple,a pen,a pencil,an elephant,a girl,a boy,an orange,a cat,a flat,an umbrella, an engineer, a teacher, an iron, a car, an owl, a doctor,a room,a desk,a sofa, a window, an aunt, an uncle,a wolf,an evening,a tree,a flower, an eagle, an exercise,a chair,a plane.


This is a car.

Those are planes.

That is a whale.

Those are sharks.

This is my guitar.

That is an island.


1. This __________ is easy.          

b) homework

2. These ___________ are my neighbors.        

a) women

3. What are you doing ________ afternoon?        

b) this

4. Who's ________ speaking?    

b) it

5. These are my glasses and ________ are hers.    

a) those

6. We are going to the seaside __________ summer.    

 b) this

7. __________ man over there is a famous politician.      

a) That


That is a car .Those are cars.

This is a dog.These are dogs.

That is a star.Those are stars.

This is his pencil.These are his pencils.

That is his pen.Those are his pens.

This is a sheep. These are sheep.

That is a child.Those are children.


a- ставится перед согласной

an- перед гласной



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