Перевести в Passive voice.Только давайте нормальные ответы.За лучший ответ даю 75 балла

1.They delayed the flight because of the weather.

2.I have left my umbrella at home.

3.They haven't seen him since he left.

4.They appointed him secretary of the committee.

5.They often took him for an Englishman

6.We do not see the house from here.

7.You can't post the letter unstamped

8.Have they found any mistakes in his composition?

Ответ :

1 The flight was delayed because of the weather

2 My umbrella was left at home

3 He has not been seen since his leaving

3 The secretary of the committee was appoited by them

4 He is often been taken for an Englishman

6 The house is not seen from here

7 The letter can not be posted with no stamp

8 Have any mistakes been found in his composition?