Напишите пожалуйста вопросы по английски к этим ответам4 Write the questions to these answers.
1 Because he wanted to go to the toilet.
Why did he wake up?
2 They were in bed.
3 Becausehe heard a noise and saw a light on.
4 Two.
5 They told him they were friends of the family.
6 In a drawer in the kitchen.
7 50p.
8 At 4 a.m.
9 The next day. (When ... find out about... ?)
10 Last week.

Ответ :


1. Because he wanted to go to the toilet.

Why did he wake up?

2. They were in bed.

Where were they when they heard a noise?

3. Because he heard a noise and saw a light on.

Why did he go downstairs?

4. Two.

How many people did he see?

5. They told him they were friends of the family.

What did they tell him?

6. In a drawer in the kitchen.

Where did he keep the money?

7. 50p.

How much did he give them?

8. At 4 a.m.

What time did they leave?

9. The next day. (When ... find out about... ?)

When did he find out about who they really were?

10. Last week.

When did this happen?