Сделайте придложения Утвердительный, отрицательным и вопросительных:
I (play) football yesterday( + - ?).
He (come) home two days ago( + - ?)
Mary (want) to play tennis two years ago.( + - ?)

Ответ :

I played football yesterday.

I didn't play football yesterday.

Did I play football yesterday?

He came home two days ago.

He didn't come home two days ago.

Did he come home two days ago?

Mary wanted to play tennis two years ago.

Mary didn't want to play tennis two years ago.

Did Mary want to play tennis two years ago?

I played football yesterday +

I didn’t play football yesterday -

Did I play football yesterday? ?

He came home two days ago +

He didn’t come home two days ago -

Did he come home two days ago? ?

Mary wanted to play tennis two years ago. +

Mary didn’t want to play tennis two years ago -

Did Mary want to play tennis two years ago? ?