Составить предложения на английском со следуйщими словами:
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fungi  плесень

traffic accidents
 несчастный случай на дороге

approaching  приближаться

argue спорить

attitude  отношение

cases  обстоятельство

approximately приблизительно

abandoned заброшенный

remarkebly  удивительно

sense of smell обоняние

recognise опознавать

announcements объявление

shelters приют

shame стыд

conservationists специалист по охране природы

Ответ :

The word 'fungi' has the Latin origin meaning 'mushrooms'.
Talking on cell phones can cause traffic accidents.
Can you give me some advice how to study for an approaching exam?
It's time to stop arguing and get down to work.
What is your attitude to politics?
When I met her I could hardly recognize her. She had changed greatly.
He's remarkably intelligent and shrewd.
Babies have a very good sense of smell.
Jewelry cases are really great for travel.
This work will take me approximately from two to three weeks.
Leonardo da Vinci said that art is never finished, only abandoned. или
If I were you I would  avoid walking past that abandoned house.
We often receive new announcements by e-mail.
Can you provide shelter to these poor people?
He seemed to feel no shame doing that.
Conservationists are people who work with landowners and governments to protect natural resources including soil and water.