Ответ :

Задание 1.
1. was found
2. claimed
3. have been lost 
4. believed
5. he has survrived
6. ate
7. seemed
8. was contacted 
9. was reported
10. told

Задание 2.
1. most dangerous
2. told, travelling
3. some
4. hired
5. their, themselves
6. until, finds

 Задание 3.
1. You might be terrified when you were stuck in the elevator
2. Michelle may have a social phobia.
3. Pete couldn`t go surfing because it`s too stormy today.
4. Joy can`t afraid of public speaking.
5. You may be afraid of heights if you felt dizzy on this bridge. 
6. They must see a doctor tonight. 

Задание 4.
1. The fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, is the most common phobia in Britain. 
2. There are nearly 40 000 species of spiders worldwide and about 3 800 in the USA.
3. In the whole world there are only 7 types which can be dangerous to humans. 
4. In the 20th century there were about 100 deaths from spider bites...
5. The false widow, Britain`s most venomous spider, was first recorded in Britain in the 1870s. It`s originally from the Canary islands and the Madeira.

Задание 5.
1. Everybody 
2. Everywhere
3. Nothing
4. Nobody
5. Any
6. Some 
7. Any
8. Everywhere