Fill in the gaps with will, won't or shall 

Jim: 1) Shall we go to Snacks Restaurant for lunch?

Lucia: No, you 2).......... like the food there . I think you 3)............... like the new cafe in York Street.

Jim:  OK. We 4)......... take the bus there. 5).............. I phone John and ask him if he wants to come?

Lucia:  I'm sure he 6)......... want to come but we 7)............. have time to wait for him here.

Jim:  8)......... I tell him to meet us there?

Lucia:  That's a good idea. Tell him we 9)............. meet him outside the cafe.

Jim:  10)............... I tell him to be there in half an hour? 11)................. that give us enough time?

Lucia:  Yes, I Think so.