Find the suitable onomatopoetic element in its place?

Plop Boom Squelch Murmur Chirrup Hoot Rattle Sqeak Rumble Click

1)I heard a…as he put his foot as he put his foot into the deep, wet mud.
2) The small stone dropped into the water with a quiet…
3) The heavy old metal cart began to…over the stony road.
4) I heard a loud…as the cannon fired.
5) There is no more joyous sound than the…of bird song.
6)I can hear a… Something in your car needs oiling.
7) I heard the…of rolling thunder in the distance.
8) There was a small….as he closed the car door.
9) The impatient motorist began to….at the slow car in front
10) From my house you can hear the jentle…of a stream

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