Exercise 1. Replace the subject by the correct pronoun Examples: Peter is in the bathroom. He is in the bathroom. 1. Daisy is a nice girl. 2. My brother is intelligent. 3. Sarah is a student. 4. The calculator is red. 5. Cars are expensive. 6. The kitten is cute. 7. Peter is my cousin. 8. Mary and I are friends. 9. Crayons are colorful. 10. You and Mary are students. Them (onlara, onları) 11. The school bus is yellow. 12. These chairs are comfortable. 13. His pet is a dog. 14. John is carrying some books. 15. The fire truck is red. 16. Mary loves computers. 17. These flowers are pink. 18. Tom and I are going home. 19. Lucy is reading. 10 12/2​

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