4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first or the second conditional. 1. Our family wouldn't move to a different city if my father didn't find (not find) a better job. 2. If Anara had a nice voice, she_(become) a singer. 3) You wouldn't be so happy if you_(not win) the marathon. 4) If Darwin_(be) afraid of snakes, he wouldn't go to the jungle. 5) Jazgul wouldn't go back home if she_(not feel) ill. 6) My life_(be) different if I lived in India. 7) if gulnara_(study) harder, she would get a good mark for the exam. 8) the world would be a safer place if there _ (not be) any wars. 9) if my parents_(give) me enough money, i would buy a new laptop. 5. complete the sentences with the correct verbs are, sound, smell, taste, look, or feel. 1) these flowers_beautiful. 2) the bread in the oven_wonderful! 3) the birthday cake_beautiful. let's take a picture of it! 4) listen to ann playing the piano, she_good. 5) this scarf_ very soft. i think i's made from wool 6) yum! this soup_good, do you want to try some?

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