Multiple choice
I can scan an interview to locate
specific information.
1 SPEAKING Look at the photos of Antarctica. Discuss
the questions.
1 What do you think it's like working there?
2 What kind of jobs do you think people do?
2 Look at comments from people interested in working in
Antarctica. Tick the people who you think are suitable.
11 don't mind working long hours.
21 don't like the dark.
31 need my own space.
4 T'm very fit and healthy."
51 expect to earn lots of money."
61 want to save the planet.
31.35 Listen to a talk about working in Antarctica.
Check your ideas in Exercises 1 and 2.
4 SPEAKING Discuss whether you would like to work in
Antarctica. Explain why or why not.
5 Read an interview with a research scientist and answer
the questions.
1 What is the population of Antarctica?
2 What did Jane Roberts do in her free time in Antarctica?
3 What did she miss most when she was there?
EXAM FOCUS Multiple choice
6 Read the text again. For questions 1-5, choose the
correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 The South Pole Station is named after
A the first person to reach the South Pole.
B the first person who died after reaching the South Pole.
C the five people who died after reaching the South Pole.
D the first two explorers to reach the South Pole.
2 People who work in Antarctica
A are residents of Antarctica.
B live in small towns.
C stay for a period of time in research stations.
D return to their country in winter
3 Jane discovered that
A she likes working in a laboratory.
B millions of years ago dinosaurs lived on ice.
C the Antarctic wasn't always cold.
D research is like doing a jigsaw.
4 The temperature at the South Pole
A is -80 degrees all year round.
B is usually above zero in summer.
C never rises above zero.
D is too cold to go outside.
5 In the interview, Jane
A describes her experience of working in Antarctica.
B encourages tourists to visit Antarctica.
C explains how researchers apply for jobs in Antarctica.
D presents her research into the weather in Antarctica.
7 1.37 Match the words in blue in the text with
the definitions in the box. Then listen, check and
1 several sheets of material on top of one another
2 the skeleton-
3 a place where planes can land
4 organise and manage-
5 a place to eat, usually in a school or factory
6 a picture cut into small pieces that you put
7 arrived (at a place)-,
8 SPEAKING Complete the questions with the
correct form of the words in Exercise 7. Then ask
and answer the questions.
1 How long does it take you to
after school?
2 Do you usually have lunch in the school
3 Have you ever completed a 1,000-piece
4 Would you like to,
business one day?
5 How many,
your own
of clothing do you wear
when you go outside in winter?
6 Do any museums in your city have dinosaur
91.38 Listen to the words and phrases in the box
and repeat them. Then complete the text.
above/below zero average temperature
(0) degrees centigrade (Celsius) plus/minus 10°C
The temperature rises/falls to (+40-80) degrees.
Antarctic weather
The interior of Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth.
The hottest month at the South Pole is January with an
average temperature of minus 25 1
centigrade. This is the summer in Antarctica. In fact, the
temperature in Antarctica has never risen
zero. The warmest temperature ever recorded at the
South Pole (on December 25, 2011) was
12.3 degrees
In winter, temperatures
to 80 degrees centigrade
zero. The coldest month is September.
10 SPEAKING Tell your partner about the last time
you experienced an extreme temperature, hot or
cold. Use the questions to prepare.
1 When did you experience an extreme temperature?
2 Where were you and what were you doing at the
3 What was the temperature? How long did it last?
4 How did you manage and what did you do?
5 Do you like extreme temperatures? Why?/Why not?
WORD STORE 2E The temperature
11 41.39 Complete WORD STORE 2E by
arranging the adjectives in order from coldest to
hottest. Then listen, check and repeat.

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