Exercise 1 1-I 2-Carol 3-Peter 4-She 5-I 6-They Exercises to practise Write the sentences using the present perfect. (see) this film once. Exercise 2 Make questions using EVER Example: play-golf -Have you ever played golf? 1-be-to Africa. 3-wear-a hat 2-see-a French movie? (paint) her bedroom. (break) his leg. (not call) her mother. (not have) bread for days. (be) to Italy twice. 4-lose-your passport 5-miss-a plane 6-eat-spaguetti 7-write-a book 8-buy-a house ? ? 7-Jim 8-Tina | 9- 10-Liam 11-Lucy 12-We (sell) his car. (wash)her hair. (you-see) Jim today? (lose) his keys. (not miss) the bus. (not play) golf today. DO Exercise 3 Rewrite the sentences using JUST 1-Mary has arrived. Mary has just arrived. 2-My aunt has phoned. 3-I have finished my homework. 4-Rob and I have had an argument. 5-They have cleaned their car. 6-Carla has done the washing up. 7-He has learnt a new word. 8-I have had a sandwich. 9-My dog has barked.

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