Помогите пожалуйста 2. Combine the two sentences using there is/there are. Example: This is a teacher. He is at the blackboard. There is a teacher at the blackboard. 1. This is a chair. It is in the corner. 2. This is a woman. She's in the shop. 3. These are newspapers. They are on the table. 4. These are stu- dents. They are out in the corridor. 5. This is a light. It is on the ceiling. 6. This is a chalk. It's in the box under the blackboard. 7. This is a wardrobe. It's near the bed. 8. This is an English name. It's on the blackboard. 9. These are two Windows. They are in the classroom. 10. This is an easy chair. It's in front of the fireplace. ​

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