Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению. 1) She helps her mother to clean the room. (What...) 2) The family spent their holidays in the village. (Where...) 3) You will get off at the next bus stop. (Where...) 4) The children have never drunk goat milk. (Who) 5) The car has stopped by the shop. (Where) 6) The children will prepare this homework for next Thursday. (Will...or...) Ответьте на вопросы, используя to be going to или Continuc 1) What are you doing after class today? 2) Where are you going to have dinner? 3) What are you doing on Sunday? 4) Are you coming to class on Monday? 5) When are you taking your vocation this year? 6) Are you going to take another English course next semester? Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Past Simp 1) We (to be) at the History Museum already, now we are going t- Kremlin. 2) My brother and I (to go) to the mountains last year. 3) They (to read) an interesting adventure book just now and we discuss it. 4) I (to do) my lessons and can go for a walk. 5) Last winter vocation we (to visit) St. Petersburg.

Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению 1 She helps her mother to clean the room What 2 The family spent their holidays in the village Where 3 You will class=

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