2 3 5 6 7 8 We The children are in...... garden. A a B the Your aunt Mary is on the phone. Talk to. A him B her C them I'm hungry! Let's have...... lunch. A- Ba C the .........a sandwich in the fridge. A There B There's C There are ....... a cinema near here? A Is there B Are there C There is The museum is...... your right. A at B in Con Mr Smith's office is the third floor. A in Bat Con James is ill. He's ...... bed. A in Bat Con ........are Steven's parents. A That B. This C Those 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 It's very cold!...... the window! A Let's open B Let's close C Don't open ........ this present! It's not for you! It's for Peter. A Open B Let's open C Don't open Steven is not ready. Let's wait for....... A him B her Che Where are the boys? Can you see......? A them Bus Chim ....... sandwich in the fridge. A There B There's a C There are Write with a pencil....... write with a pen. A Not B You not C Don't My dad is not here. He's...... work. A in Bon Cat What's that?''....... a computer game." A It's B It C They're ........ from Greece?" "No, she isn't.' A He is B. She is C Is she​

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