B. Read the sentences and circle the correct answer.
1. Are there any special habits/customs during
Christmas season in your country?
2. Marion and Joshua used to be very close but since they
had that terrible argument they have become complete
3. Saint Moritz is a famous ski resort/ region in
4. Visitors to the museum are requested not to touch any
of the exhibitions/exhibits.
5. What exactly is the benefit/ purpose of your business
trip to Italy?
6. How often does the Eurovision Song Contest
take place/take part?
7. How about trying on / trying out that new Chinese
restaurant round the corner?
8. There is a(n) replica / original of the Eiffel Tower in that
9. Do you certainly / actually expect me to believe your
silly excuse for being late?
10. Lots of tourists marvel / wonder at the ancient temple
of Athena on the Acropolis. Ауууууу срочно

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