3 GRAMMAR discourse markers (1): linkers
a Cross out the linker that is NOT possible in the sentences.
1 We set off at dawn owing to / in order to | so as to avoid
the rush-hour traffic.
2 Laila's mother-in-law was a very difficult woman.
However | Nevertheless | Consequently Laila couldn't
help liking her.
3 In spite of Even though | Despite being the better
player, Richard lost the match.
4 Sales figures have fallen drastically due to | because |
owing to the recession.
5 The workers covered the furniture with sheets so as not
to | not to / in order not to splash it with paint.
6 After his accident, my brother sold his car as / since |
due to he couldn't afford the insurance.
7 We accept full responsibility for the error and nevertheless |
consequently therefore wish to offer you a full refund.
8 I agreed to help although / in case | even though I didn't
feel like it.

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