Complete the text with the following verbs in the correct form
Smell - Walk - Gox2 - can- Lovex2-live-stay-Do-have - arrive - be x3
- return - wake up -work - bring - start-think-takex2 - see

My name
Anne and this is what I normally.
walking on the mountains. During the week I
a walk on the mountain. I usually
getting some fresh air before we
country, far away from the city. We
because we
early and go for
with my father or brother. We like
our day. We
in the
that our life in the country is wonderful
away from the noise and pollution of the city. We often
to our home. I always
for about one hour and then
the bus after our walk at about 8.30 a.m and
veterinary clinic. He
his car and
at school at 9.00. My
at a
_helping animals. We
to town to work. He
a vet and
three dogs and two cats.
At the weekends we wake up early and go hiking on the mountains. It is nice to
the wild animals. We
the fresh air and
for about three hours and
loves nature.
our lunch with us. As you
_see, my family

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