Level A
ing and it
and the sea. Well, it
1. Fill in blanks with am, is, are, was, were.
(Заповніть пропуски, вставляючи аm, Is, are, was, were.)
Today I
at home. It
-No, it only
- What
on holiday in Australia. The weather
really hot and sunny. We
not long ago, of course, but I
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
(Поставте дієслова, поданi в дужках, у простий минулий час.)
- What
(you/do) last weekend?
Saturday morn
very cold. It's only a month since my family.
all happy then.
already missing the sun.
Inice to be back home with all our friends..
My family and I
(go) to my cousin's house.
(be) it far?
(take) us 30 minutes.
(you/stay) there long?
(stay) only for the weekend.
(you/do) last weekend?
(have) a picnic on the beach.
(be) it sunny?
(take) the dog and we
-Yes, the sun
3. Make these sentences negative.
(Зробіть подані речення заперечними.)
1) He went to school.
2) My sister brought me a present.
(shine) all day.
The verb
3) She did her homework.
4) He had a shower.
5) My mother needed false teeth.
6) They went to the cinema.
7) Mary wrote the letter.
8) Why did you eat the pizza?
9) She broke her leg last week
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.
(Поставте дісслова, подані в дужках, у простий минулий час.)
1) He
(leave) school at sixteen and
2) She
age of twenty.
3) After that he
4) They
5) He only
(work) as a gardener.
Level B
(start) her career as a singer at the
(go) on a world tout.
(work) hard.
(become) famous in 1999 when
(make) his first album.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple..
(Поставте дієслова з дужок упростий час.)
Many years ago people
(be) witches. These women.
(believe) that some wo
(not live)

94 Level A ing and it and it It and the sea Well it 1 Fill in blanks with am is are was were Заповніть пропуски вставляючи аm Is are was were Today I at home It class=

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